Sobriety Strategies: 13 Tips for Staying Sober -

Sobriety Strategies: 13 Tips for Staying Sober

sobriety success stories

It includes recipes for zero-proof cocktails for all seasons and has tips for navigating the dating scene while completely sober. If you’re feeling down about “missing out” on life if you cut back on alcohol or got sober, read this book. Ward and Libaire show you how to get intoxicated, sobriety success stories but with life instead of alcohol. The last thing Laura McKowen wanted to be was sober. Shortly after accepting she had a problem with alcohol, she thought a lot about how some people are lucky enough to be able to drink normally without it controlling their life.

sobriety success stories

Your recovery story starts today.

I was unable to participate in any kind of family activity, especially if it interfered with my drinking. My family would watch TV in one room and I would be in another drinking to oblivion. If I watched a movie with the family, it was unlikely I would remember any details of the movie the following morning.

  • I was unable to participate in any kind of family activity, especially if it interfered with my drinking.
  • Most importantly, with the removal of stigma, less Americans would die.
  • All of my peers were still at college partying while I was embarking on a spiritual journey.
  • This is achieved through various means such as support groups, peer mentoring programs, and community activities.

What Being Sober Has Meant to Me

Tired of living in the shadow of alcoholism that plagued his family lineage, he decided to stop drinking altogether. Despite the challenges, John’s dedication to his recovery paid off. Through perseverance, support from his loved ones, and the guidance of experienced clinicians, John achieved sobriety and reclaimed control of his life.

“I’m Black and I’m Sober: A Minister’s Daughter Tells Her Story about Fighting the Disease of Alcoholism–And Winning”

sobriety success stories

You can live a life of happiness in sobriety, even through the toughest of times. I think it’s so important to share my experience with others because I truly believe that only another addict/alcoholic can help someone of the same variety. It was so easy for me to relate to people who had walked the same walk as I had in the beginning. It’s almost like they spoke the same language as I did, and I had never heard anyone speak my language before. I felt at home when talking to another addict/alcoholic. I still feel the same way today even after three continuous years of sobriety.

For the first time in my life, I realized that my sobriety isn’t a limitation. Sobriety isn’t even a “have to”—it’s a superpower. I got sober two months after my mom died very suddenly. I’ve dealt with a lot of grief in my sobriety but I haven’t picked up a drink, and I think it’s because for some weird reason it feels better walking through it and feeling everything. And thank god I have this foundation and structure that’s keeping me afloat. Maybe you’ve been leaning on alcohol too much to try to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • She found treatment that worked and has lived drug-free for more than 20 years.
  • Soon we found couples who had the same interest.
  • Throughout the recovery process, Mark encountered numerous challenges and moments of doubt.
  • As I quit drinking, I found myself with an abundance of time and energy that I had previously spent on alcohol.
  • It hindered her from doing the things she loved, it certainly damaged the relationships she had with her loved ones.

In addition to personal stories, many of these books delve deep into the personal and societal psychology of drinking and drug use. They offer practical guides on why we drink — and how we stop. Emma’s inspirational journey serves as a reminder of the transformative power of resilience and self-discovery in the face of addiction. Her story is a beacon of hope for those embarking on their own paths to recovery.

  • Recovery can often feel isolating, but by fostering a sense of community, All American Detox helps individuals feel connected and supported.
  • When you’re an alcoholic and you’re not sober, you feel trapped.
  • I managed to crawl in the dark to huddle over the commode.
  • It’s understandable to feel alone and like no one can relate to your addiction.

sobriety success stories

Recovery management allows a client to overcome obstacles and manage barriers to recovery with professionally managed support. This book is packed full of really helpful information, advice, and relatable stories on struggle and sobriety success. Just like the meetings, some people love them and some people hate them and there’s a lot of misinformation out there about AA. But that doesn’t make this book any less amazing. This is one of the books that started the whole “sober curious” movement and comes highly recommended. That is why Don T is a role model for anyone in recovery.

Jules’ Story

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